
Causes, Consequences and Solutions

Causes of DeforestationDeforestation

Numerous human activities lead to deforestation, and these activities all put a great deal of strain on forest ecosystems. (2006/01/16/, 2006 Jan 16). Converting forested lands to agricultural use is one of the main causes of deforestation. The need for food and agricultural land (Shibboleth Authentication Request, n.d.-b) has increased due to growing populations. significant-scale agricultural operations that frequently clear significant areas of forest to make room for crops like soy, palm oil, and cattle grazing result in the destruction of important forest habitats. Worldwide deforestation is greatly exacerbated by commercial logging, both legal and illicit. The removal of timber for building, furniture, and paper goods degrades and destroys forests, upsetting biodiversity and ecosystems. Forests must frequently be cleared to build highways, dams, and other infrastructure projects. The rate of deforestation is accelerated by these projects, which also damage animal corridors, fragment ecosystems, and make previously unreachable areas accessible for additional exploitation.